Digital marketing is a way of getting your message out to your online community for products and services.

Most folks under the age of 60 engage with social media at least once a month if not every day. The internet has changed the way we communicate with each other and how we buy our goods. It’s a part of our daily lives and most of us would be lost without using it constantly.
Digital marketing has become an essential tool for any online business and if you are not using digital marketing strategies it is unlikely you will have a successful online business. We cannot stress this enough. If nobody can find you how can they hire you or purchase your product?
So, in this post we will discuss some best practices regarding digital media to both get your message out, and hopefully increase revenues from your online business.
Using digital marketing, you can reach an enormous audience in a way that is both cost-effective and measurable. … You can save money and reach more customers for less money than traditional marketing methods. Get to know your audience and allow them to know you personally which can help to create brand loyalty.
– Digital Marketing Institute (DMI)

Engaging with your customers
Digital marketing allows the online business owner to engage meaningfully with clients through direct communication on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and others. This personal aspect of interaction makes customers more engaged and likely to complete a purchase.
The online business owner can structure effective marketing strategies through the use of social media and all this can be done at a minimal cost.

Competing with the big names
The cool thing about digital marketing is regardless of the size of your online business you can compete with anyone with very few exceptions.
Having this level playing field presents all kinds of profit-generating scenarios for the online business owner.
Digital marketing also allows the business to build their brand recognition and become more proactive the same as the big names in online business.
With 60% of all web searches being conducted on smartphones according to Hitwise the evidence is before our very eyes of how powerful digital marketing can be.

Targeting your audience
At one time in history companies used to take out paid advertising in trade journals and possibly newspapers, the problem with this approach is it’s not specifically targeting your audience.
With digital marketing, you can target your demographic precisely and get the message to the people you intended the message for.
There are even social media platforms for targeting potential high earning individuals. If you take LinkedIn as more than a site to find your next well-paying job it has evolved into a social media platform where messages and advertisements are targeting valuable groups of individuals.
LinkedIn is the perfect example of how targeted digital marketing works at its best.
Getting value for money
Digital marketing does not have to be expensive, if you don’t have a budget then time and effort on social media platforms will yield results that you would not have otherwise realized. You just need to get started.
The paid advertisement provides a unique entry into targeting demographics with the use of banner ads and other available tools.
Often you can select the target area and the demographic you want to target, and with one paid ad you could be hitting more than a million people.
If this ad drives a thousand more potential customers to your landing page then it’s easy to see the value in digital marketing.
Email marketing
Email marketing campaigns can be highly personalized. The best way to conduct email campaigns is to send email drips on a regular basis, and the email drips should contain basic information the user may find helpful.
The emails should be succinct and no more than 200 words if you want the target to read the content.